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Sea bass petitions to sign (video) 12 Nov 2014 Sea bass petitions to sign (video) 0 5672 The scientists have advised EU that the bass fishing mortality should be brought down by 80% next year for the stock to be fished sustainably. EAA Position on Atlantic Bluefin Tuna management - recreational fisheries (video) 06 Oct 2014 EAA Position on Atlantic Bluefin Tuna management - recreational fisheries (video) 0 3824 Improved management, control and enforcement of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna fisheries have brought some good results in recent years, but more could and should be done. EAA position on proposed EU driftnetting ban (video) 24 Sep 2014 EAA position on proposed EU driftnetting ban (video) 0 5041 Today, EAA adopted a position on the European Commission's proposed driftnetting ban pending at the European Parliament and Council. The Intergroup on Aquatic Environment and Recreational Fisheries launches its campaign in the European Parliament 24 Jul 2014 The Intergroup on Aquatic Environment and Recreational Fisheries launches its campaign in the European Parliament 0 2764 On July 16th 2014, the Secretariat of the Intergroup on Aquatic Environment and Recreational Fisheries, provided by the European Anglers’ Alliance (EAA) and the European Fishing Tackle Trade Associati... Bluefin tuna - conflict between the EU discard ban and ICCAT rules  23 Jul 2014 Bluefin tuna - conflict between the EU discard ban and ICCAT rules 0 2924 EAA input to consultation concerning anglers' catches of tuna EU Sea Bass Management Plan – EAA position paper 10 Jun 2014 EU Sea Bass Management Plan – EAA position paper 0 11244 A sea bass management plan is under preparation by EU Member States. The plan concerns only some of the northern Atlantic EU waters (Irish Sea, Celtic Sea, English Channel, and southern North Sea). The European Parliament needs a cross-party recreational fishing group! 05 Jun 2014 The European Parliament needs a cross-party recreational fishing group! 0 2727 The European Parliament has 27 Intergroups at present. One of them is the "The European Parliament Intergroup for Sustainable Hunting, Biodiversity, Countryside Activities & Forestry". EAA considers Commission's proposed total driftnet ban - EU Atlantic waters 28 May 2014 EAA considers Commission's proposed total driftnet ban - EU Atlantic waters 0 3408 EAA supports a total driftnet ban in the Mediterranean Sea 20 May 2014 EAA supports a total driftnet ban in the Mediterranean Sea 0 3134 Swedish Court Ruling on Fish Passage and Water Flow - A Major Win for Fish and Anglers 10 Mar 2014 Swedish Court Ruling on Fish Passage and Water Flow - A Major Win for Fish and Anglers 0 3093 The Swedish member of EAA, 'Sportfiskarna' has achieved a major win at the high court on environmental issues in Sweden ('Miljööverdomstolen'). A lower court had permitted a hydropower plant company t... EAA youth angling promotion conference in London 07 Nov 2013 EAA youth angling promotion conference in London 0 2799 Wednesday and Thursday (6-7 Nov) representatives from six European countries gathered in London to discuss how to increase the numbers of young people going fishing, at a conference hosted by the Angl... Angling delegation met with MEP Pavel Poc, European Parliament's rapporteur on Invasive Alien Species (IAS) 06 Nov 2013 Angling delegation met with MEP Pavel Poc, European Parliament's rapporteur on Invasive Alien Species (IAS) 0 3242 Yesterday (5 November) representatives of EAA, Angling Trust (member of EAA) and EFTTA, the European Fishing Tackle Trade Association met with Mr Poc to give input to his draft report on invasive alie...


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