About EAA
The European Anglers Alliance (EAA) is a pan-European organisation for recreational angling. It represents 10 angling associations from 10 European countries, and is the voice of 25 million European recreational anglers' at the European level and beyond.
Recreational angling is one form of recreational fishing, which is fishing not deemed to be commercial fishing. It is further defined as the activity of catching or attempting to catch fish, principally by rod and line, pole or hand-held line for non-commercial purposes. Recreational fishermen and recreational anglers do not sell the fish they catch. More information about recreational fishing is available

The EAA was launched in Brussels in 1994. The organisation is registered in Germany (pdf), Offenbach am Main. The EAA headquarters are in Brussels.
The EAA is recognised as a NGO (non-governmental organisation) and registered as a not-for-profit organisation.
EAA consists of ten member organisations in Europe.
Representatives of the EAA member organisations meet annually at a General Assembly. Between General Assemblies members meet and work in three standing Subgroups dealing with sea water, fresh water and communication issues. Ad-hoc groups are formed around specific issues in need of special care.
EAA sits in a number of advisory bodies with regards to EU's fisheries and environment policy shaping.
To learn more about EAA click here and watch the video produced for the 25 years of the European Anglers Alliance or read the EAA Brochure (2015).

Since 1996, there has been close co-operation with the European Fishing Tackle Trade Association (EFTTA) a Trade Association sharing common goals with the EAA. EAA and EFTTA co-fund the employment of a lobbyist in Brussels.
EAA also has extensive dialogue and network with angling organisations and other relevant organisations all over Europe and globally.