European Parliament Forum on Recreational Fisheries and Aquatic Environment

The European Parliament Forum on Recreational Fisheries and Aquatic Environment is supported by the  European Anglers Alliance  (EAA) and the  European Fishing Tackle Trade Association  (EFTTA).

Much legislation dealt with by the European parliament has a direct impact on the aquatic environment and fish stocks and thereby, an impact on the quality of the angling experience and well-being of the angling community. 

This Forum on Recreational Fisheries and Aquatic Environment will:

  • improve the contact and communication between MEPs and their 25 million angling constituents;
  • serve as a forum for discussion on issues related to the European Parliament agenda  such as the Implementation of the reformed Common Fisheries Policy, recreational fishing, biodiversity, invasive species, Water Framework Directive, ecosystem services, rural development, fishing tourism and other relevant issues;
  • give MEPs access to EAA and EFTTA in-house experts and broad network of scientists.

Also, we are active on a number of expert committees and advisory bodies. There we follow and give input to the legislative process from conception to final vote and implementation. Members of the Forum would benefit from this insight.

Recreational angling in Europe in figures

About 25 million Europeans go angling. They spend about 25 billion Euros  annually on their activity, creating hundreds of thousands of jobs mainly in rural and remote areas.

Anglers are conservation minded and help actively to protect and conserve fish stocks, waters and the surrounding environment.

Volunteers from the angling community spent lots of hours every year on conservation and restoration projects of our rivers and lakes.


Thibault Van Lierde

Tél: +32 (0)474 63 52 78

Fax: +32 (0)2 721 73 33


Twitter:  RecFishingEP

Secretariat provided by the European Anglers Alliance (EAA) and the European Fishing Tackle Trade Association (EFTTA).

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