Cormorant management – European Parliament

0 6823
15 Nov

In view of this week’s European Parliament plenary session, MEP Annie Schreijer-Pierik, together with other colleagues of the EPP group, submitted an amendment to a Motion for a Resolution on an “EU Action Plan for nature, people and the economy” to raise the issue of the need to improve cormorant management in the EU.

This amendment was welcomed by the European Anglers Alliance as it stresses the need for more effective cormorant management in the EU. MEP Annie Schreijer-Pierik supported the view of the EAA and agreed to act and reiterate that cormorants are not endangered and they can cause great damages to vulnerable fish stocks.

The amendment reads: 

“Notes that, contrary to what Parliament requested in 2008, the Commission has so far taken no effective steps to establish effective European cormorant management; calls on the Commission and the Member States to include the cormorant (P. carbo sinensis) in the list contained in ANNEX II A of the Birds Directive, thereby allowing the Member States to take appropriate measures relating to the necessary stock management;” 

Note: It is not an agreed EAA position that the Cormorant should be placed on the huntable species list (Annex II) as suggested in this amendment. EAA will review its position on this and other cormorant issues later this month. 

The amendment was rejected by the plenary but EAA would like to warmly thank MEP Annie Schreijer-Pierik and her colleagues for raising awareness of the need for improved management of the overabundant cormorant.

To read the EAA position on cormorants please click here.

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