Petition - Fishing for Sea Bass Is Not A Crime - Don't Let The EU Make It One!

0 4806
21 Nov

The EU wants to make it illegal for the public to catch or keep any sea bass in 2018. This is unfair and disproportionate. The European Anglers Alliance, representing anglers across Europe, is calling on fisheries ministers meeting in Brussels next month to defend our rights and to continue to allow anglers to catch bass throughout 2018 and keep one bass a day from July‐December.

Members of the public who enjoy angling and eating some of the fish they catch have already suffered severe restrictions since 2015 in order to protect bass stocks. Now the right of the public to catch a bass for the table is about to be taken away from us 

Don't let the EU remove a right that is part of everyday life for millions of people. 

Urgent ‐ sign and share this petition now to protect your right!

En Français: 

Pêcher le Bar n’est pas un crime Empêchons l’UE de faire que cela le devienne

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