Key takeaways from the 2018 EAA General Assembly

0 3516
05 Sep

On the occasion of the 24th General Assembly, EAA representatives met in Rotterdam for a three-day event hosted by Sportvisserij Nederland.

Many important issues were on the table of the Sea and Rivers subgroups. In particular, delegates discussed these pending EU legislation proposals with regard to sea fisheries, which all include provisions on recreational fisheries: regional Multi-annual Management Plans, the Control Regulation and the Technical Measures Regulation and the landing obligation. 

The negative impact on fish stocks by cormorants and possible solutions were also discussed. The delegates reiterated the need for a pan-European management plan as requested by the European Parliament in 2008. The next event of the Forum on Recreational Fisheries and Aquatic Environment is devoted to this topic. It will take place in the European Parliament in Brussels on the 9th of October. 

On Saturday 25th of August, EAA President Fred Bloot opened the final session of the General Assembly by stressing the unique qualities of recreational fisheries in Europe and the importance of increasing its popularity among the young generations. He invited all EAA representatives to promote recreational fishing on social media platforms in order to reach a wider public. Mr. Roland van Aalderen of the Sportvisserij Nederland gave a useful presentation on how the latest study on Dutch freshwater angling was conducted, the methods and costs. The research included the counting and interviews of anglers on the ground as well as counting anglers from the air during several months. The cost was reduced very much by the engagement of volunteers to help collect the data from the air and on the ground. Another inspiring presentation was given by Mr. Aalderen`s college Mr. Niels Brevé about the huge Haringvliet project concerning the restoration of a freshwater tidal area in the Haringvliet delta. 

The General Assembly also featured reports on EAA activities carried out since last year, including the organisation of three events in the European Parliament that brought together EU policy-makers, anglers and other stakeholders. 

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