Prof. Dr. Robert Arlinghaus wins Communicator Award 2020

0 4729
07 May

As our German member DAFV (Deutscher Angelfisherv-Verband e.V.) recently did, we would like to congratulate Prof. Dr. Robert Arlinghaus who won the Communicator Award 2020 discerned by the German Research Foundation last month. Such a prize acknowledges years of commitment of Mr Arlinghaus for research on fishing while using the most modern and interactive communication ways. By doing so, he has made the dialogue between science and society stronger.

The one that many call “angling professor” got used to communicate his works through a wide set of formats like comics, films, and podcasts. “It is very important to us that our research also reaches the anglers and the managers of fishing waters in practice” explained Mr. Arlinghaus. “It is a great honour that the community of scientists appreciates our communication work with this award and thus recognizes recreational angling as a topic” he added, thanking his teammates.

Robert Arlinghaus has dedicated the last 20 years of his life on research on the economic and social importance of recreational fishing. He has dealt, often as a pioneer, with many topics like new fisheries management tools, research on fish population, the effect of catch regulation, catchability, learning behaviour and fish movement patterns. He is currently professor for integrative fisheries management at the Humboldt University of Berlin, in joint appointment with the Leibniz Institute for Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries. 

Prof. Dr. Robert Arlinghaus (left) together with Alexander Seggelke, Managing Director of the DAFV

Targeting politicians for science-based decisions

The jury also acknowledged his ability to link recreational fishing with very contemporary topics like sustainability and environmental protection. Mr Arlinghaus also has managed to establish connections with decision-makers in order “to support the development of guidelines for sustainable fisheries at national and international level in a science-based manner”, the jury underscored.

The “Communicator Award” is endowed with 50,000 euros and discerned by a jury of communication experts and science journalists. It is awarded to scientists from all academic disciplines who succeed in making their scientific work accessible to a broad public in a particularly innovative, diverse and effective manner.
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