It is high time to include Marine Recreational Fisheries in the Common Fisheries Policy

0 954
06 Jul

On 22 June, the European Anglers Alliance (EAA) adopted its position paper on the need to fully and fairly include the recreational fisheries sector in the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP).

The EAA calls for the inclusion of the sector in the CFP to safeguard and foster the sector’s growth and development. The sector‘s influence can also be leveraged for healthier and more natural stock structures and ecosystems.

The sector supports a better implementation of the Article 17 of the CFP, based on transparent and objective criteria for catch allocations and with it, the general reappraisal of fisheries that combine high revenue, a lot of jobs and a low impact on fish stocks.

You can find the EAA position paper here, which includes proposed amendments to the CFP.

Picture: © Joran Bal
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