EVENT: RecFishing Forum, Rethinking the allocation of fisheries catches for fairer and more sustainable decisions

0 769
05 Oct

Next week the 11th of October our RecFishing Forum Lunch-time event will take place at the MEP Salon. Our guests speakers and two co-chairs MEPs Ska Keller and Niclas Herbst will discuss on the topic of "Rethinking the allocation of fisheries catches for fairer and more sustainable decisions".

On 11 October 2023, the Forum on Recreational Fisheries and Aquatic Environment is organising a lunch time event in the MEP Salon on the Alternative Fisheries Management Measures or how Angling Species could be managed in a more economic, social and environmental sustainable way.
The event will be live-streamed. All interested stakeholders and policy makers are welcome!
Places are limited and will be attributed on a first arrived-first served basis.


Ahead of the annual Council’s decisions on TACs & quotas that also affect millions on recreational fishers at sea, this RecFishing Forum’s event aims at launching a dialogue between the EU decision-makers, scientific experts and anglers’ representatives on the issue of alternative fisheries management measures for angling species.
Presentations will be given by David Mitchell (EAA) and Kevin Haase (Thünen Institute) on how international examples and science can bring solutions to better consider the often much underestimated social, economic and environmental impact of not taking the recreational fishermen’s interests into consideration when taking fisheries management decisions.

The European Parliament Forum on Recreational Fisheries and Aquatic Environment is supported by the European Anglers Alliance (EAA) and the European Fishing Tackle Trade Association (EFTTA).

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