One step closer towards the adoption of the Nature Restoration Law. Key vote ahead...

0 1183
24 Nov

On November 9th, a significant milestone was reached as the European Parliament and the Council (EU Member States) reached a provisional political agreement on the EU Nature Restoration Law (NRL). This was a decisive step in the legislative process, since it is the first time that such a text is being discussed. Taking the form of a regulation, it is indeed a significant development in the realm of EU environmental law. If the text successfully goes through the adoption process, it will be the first time that an environmental measure is directly applicable in European Member States.

Despite the encouraging progress, the adoption is still a long way down the road. The next steps in the process will take place on the 29 or 30 of November when the MEPs of the ENVI Committee will cast their vote. Then, if an agreement is reached, a plenary voting should take place in December 2023. Finally, EU Member States will vote on the agreement within the Council.

The Nature Restoration Law is due to establish land and sea restoration targets. As such, the agreement sets the goal of restoring 20% of land and 20% of sea areas by 2030. In addition, concerning areas in poor condition, the restoration targets are set to 30% by 2030, 60% by 2040 and 90% by 2050.

The European Anglers Alliance (EAA) have drawn the attention of the EU decision-makers:

-The positive role of low impact activities contributing to the restoration of nature,
-The need to prioritize the restoration of free-flowing rivers,
-The importance of preserve the already restored habitats,
-And to reinforce the protection of marine ecosystems.


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