Anglers for Nature - important project by EAA member DAFV to improve Germany's waters

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22 Jan

The German EAA member DAFV (Deutscher Angelfischerverband e.V.) is raising awareness of how anglers are improving water quality and water bodies across the country. With their Water Improvers project (Gewässer Verbesserer) they aim to change the general narrative about the angling sector. The DAFV’s project – running under the motto "Caring instead of complaining!" – wants to show that anglers care about water, healthy aquatic ecosystems and fish stocks in an appropriate way.

"Water Improvers Initiative" highlighting nature-friendly actions by anglers to restore and enhance German water bodies

In 2020, Fisherman's Partner, BLINKER and EAA member DAFV launched the "Water Improvers" initiative. A project which aims to involve German anglers in the protection and improvement of their local waters by carrying out nature-friendly work on these ecosystems. 

With this project, EAA member DAFV aims to raise further public awareness of the many nature-friendly activities of anglers, who not only have the right to use waters for fishing through clubs and associations, but also have a duty to care for and maintain these waters and fish stocks in an appropriate manner. 

A key motivation for launching the project is the recognition that millions of hours of volunteer work are carried out by anglers across Germany every year, go largely unrecognised. These activities include:

  • Restoration of water bodies,
  • Creating breeding grounds for fish,
  • taking measures to protect species, and
  • Clearing rubbish from riverbanks. 

However, "it is important for us to use the Water Improver project to raise public awareness of the many voluntary activities undertaken by organised anglers in Germany,” says Klaus-Dieter Mau, President of the German Anglers' Association (DAFV).

An unexpected success that has now been extended

The DAFV has already received information on large-scale restoration, water purification, the reintroduction of endangered fish species, the rewilding of rivers and other improvement actions! 

In the first edition of the Water Improver project in 2020 alone, more than 15,000 volunteer hours were collected. Anglers often formed networks beyond the local fishing area, with participation from organisations such as the local diving club or the volunteer fire brigade taking part in large-scale activities.  
The data submitted by the angling clubs to DAFV showed that over 12,000 kilos of litter were collected along the waters as part of all the applications. With figures like this, it quickly became clear anglers an important role in protecting the environment and aquatic species.

Given this success story, the project coordinators decided in June 2022 to extent the "Water Improvers" initiative. A key aspect of the initiative is the monthly selection and recognition of grassroots efforts by local angling clubs, by awarding them the title of "Water Improver of the Month". This prize – a 500EUR bonus provided by Fisherman’s Partner – is the ideal way for local angling clubs to showcase their actions and increase visibility of the German angling scene.

This was also the case for the FischHegeGemeinschaft Jagst (FHGJ) on the Seckach in Adelsheim, which organised a comprehensive training course for 40 water wardens in October 2024. The focus was on improving fish habitats in the estuary area of the Kirnau an der Seckach in the Neckar-Odenwald district.

Photo credits: DAFV 2024

In conclusion, the "Water Improvers" initiative has successfully raised awareness and engaged anglers in the protection and improvement of Germany's water bodies. The dedication of anglers has led to significant environmental improvements, including restoration of water bodies. 

The continuation and expansion of the project - also in 2025 - with its monthly recognition of grassroots efforts, further emphasises the importance of these activities. In addition to this initiative, the DAFV compiled a list of over 110 aquatic restoration projects that have been carried out by DAFV members. 

The "Water Improvers" initiative can be followed on the following website

More information:

Photo credits: DAFV 2024

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