France - the Sivens dam project

0 3419
28 Nov

Two days ago the European Commission announced the opening of an infringement proceeding against France over the Sivens dam project, stating concerns over the possible non-respect of the Water Framework Directive on the site of the dam as well as misuse of European structural funds.

Opponents of the dam say it will lead to a decline in the quality of both ground and surface water.

Ecologists and the Tarn General Council have been at loggerheads over the plans for years. The dispute reached a national level in September when the Minister for Ecology, Ségolène Royal, launched the first expert mission to the area.

Environmentalists have been battling local politicians over the Sivens dam for years, and the death of a 21 year-old demonstrator, killed by a police grenade in a clash with police in October led to the suspension of the project.

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