EAA/EFTTA delegation invited to Romania by MEP Chair of the RecFishing Forum to promote sustainable recreational fisheries

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27 Sep

An EAA/EFTTA delegation will be travelling to Bucharest and the Danube delta on the 7th and 8th October 2016 to meet the Romanian local angling and environmental associations to share information and discuss about sustainable recreational angling.

This trip is organised by Mrs. Norica Nicolai, the Romanian Member of the European Parliament who chairs the Recreational Fisheries and Aquatic Environment Forum since its creation in 2014. 

Two events will be organised during this trip. The first one, which will take place in the Romanian Senate in Bucharest, will deal with the Environmental benefits and economic impact of recreational fishing. The second one, taking place in a venue located at the heart of the Danube delta to discuss Rural sustainable development through recreational fishing. 

Romania is a very attractive place for angling. Many touristic and leisure activities can be developed through a sustainable management of rivers, seas and fish resources, for the economic benefit of the local population. This trip aims at exchanging good practices and knowledge between the organisations and companies involved in angling and nature protection in Europe and in Romania.

For more information click here

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