The population of this fish predator has expanded dramatically recent years. It is estimated that in Europe there are now (2014) more than 2.2 million of these birds in Europe - and it is still on the increase in a number of countries. The bird now also inhabit regions and areas where it has never been living before, which makes it an invasive species in these areas.

The damage done to fisheries and habitats is perceived only vaguely by European decision makers and environmental managers.
EAA has initiated its own Task Force Cormorants chaired by Dr Franz Kohl. This task force works at expert level, collects and disseminates facts about cormorants, raises awareness about the angling sectors interests and pushes for a pan-European cormorant management plan. Our Task Force Cormorants attends or gives input to advisory bodies, scientists and decision makers at European and national level.
To avoid any misunderstandings: EAA is NOT opposed to the EU Birds Directive or the Habitats Directive. On the contrary the EAA welcome these directives and the 'umbrella' introduced later, the ecological network 'Natura 2000'. Much would be worse without them.